->admin_asset_manager->enqueue_style( 'monorepo' ); $data = [ 'disabled' => ! \YoastSEO()->helpers->indexable->should_index_indexables(), 'amount' => \YoastSEO()->helpers->indexing->get_filtered_unindexed_count(), 'firstTime' => ( \YoastSEO()->helpers->indexing->is_initial_indexing() === true ), 'errorMessage' => '', 'restApi' => [ 'root' => \esc_url_raw( \rest_url() ), 'indexing_endpoints' => $this->get_endpoints(), 'nonce' => \wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ), ], ]; /** * Filter: 'wpseo_indexing_data' Filter to adapt the data used in the indexing process. * * @param array $data The indexing data to adapt. */ $data = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_indexing_data', $data ); $this->admin_asset_manager->localize_script( 'indexation', 'yoastIndexingData', $data ); $person_id = $this->get_person_id(); $social_profiles = $this->get_social_profiles(); // This filter is documented in admin/views/tabs/metas/paper-content/general/knowledge-graph.php. $knowledge_graph_message = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_knowledge_graph_setting_msg', '' ); $finished_steps = $this->get_finished_steps(); $options = $this->get_company_or_person_options(); $selected_option_label = ''; $filtered_options = \array_filter( $options, function ( $item ) { return $item['value'] === $this->is_company_or_person(); } ); $selected_option = \reset( $filtered_options ); if ( \is_array( $selected_option ) ) { $selected_option_label = $selected_option['label']; } $data_ftc = [ 'canEditUser' => $this->can_edit_profile( $person_id ), 'companyOrPerson' => $this->is_company_or_person(), 'companyOrPersonLabel' => $selected_option_label, 'companyName' => $this->get_company_name(), 'fallbackCompanyName' => $this->get_fallback_company_name( $this->get_company_name() ), 'websiteName' => $this->get_website_name(), 'fallbackWebsiteName' => $this->get_fallback_website_name( $this->get_website_name() ), 'companyLogo' => $this->get_company_logo(), 'companyLogoFallback' => $this->get_company_fallback_logo( $this->get_company_logo() ), 'companyLogoId' => $this->get_person_logo_id(), 'finishedSteps' => $finished_steps, 'personId' => (int) $person_id, 'personName' => $this->get_person_name(), 'personLogo' => $this->get_person_logo(), 'personLogoFallback' => $this->get_person_fallback_logo( $this->get_person_logo() ), 'personLogoId' => $this->get_person_logo_id(), 'siteTagline' => $this->get_site_tagline(), 'socialProfiles' => [ 'facebookUrl' => $social_profiles['facebook_site'], 'twitterUsername' => $social_profiles['twitter_site'], 'otherSocialUrls' => $social_profiles['other_social_urls'], ], 'isPremium' => $this->product_helper->is_premium(), 'tracking' => $this->has_tracking_enabled(), 'isTrackingAllowedMultisite' => $this->is_tracking_enabled_multisite(), 'isMainSite' => $this->is_main_site(), 'companyOrPersonOptions' => $options, 'shouldForceCompany' => $this->should_force_company(), 'knowledgeGraphMessage' => $knowledge_graph_message, 'shortlinks' => [ 'gdpr' => $this->shortlinker->build_shortlink( 'https://yoa.st/gdpr-config-workout' ), 'configIndexables' => $this->shortlinker->build_shortlink( 'https://yoa.st/config-indexables' ), 'configIndexablesBenefits' => $this->shortlinker->build_shortlink( 'https://yoa.st/config-indexables-benefits' ), ], ]; $this->admin_asset_manager->localize_script( 'first-time-configuration', 'wpseoFirstTimeConfigurationData', $data_ftc ); } /** * Retrieves a list of the endpoints to use. * * @return array The endpoints. */ protected function get_endpoints() { $endpoints = [ 'prepare' => Indexing_Route::FULL_PREPARE_ROUTE, 'terms' => Indexing_Route::FULL_TERMS_ROUTE, 'posts' => Indexing_Route::FULL_POSTS_ROUTE, 'archives' => Indexing_Route::FULL_POST_TYPE_ARCHIVES_ROUTE, 'general' => Indexing_Route::FULL_GENERAL_ROUTE, 'indexablesComplete' => Indexing_Route::FULL_INDEXABLES_COMPLETE_ROUTE, 'post_link' => Indexing_Route::FULL_POST_LINKS_INDEXING_ROUTE, 'term_link' => Indexing_Route::FULL_TERM_LINKS_INDEXING_ROUTE, ]; $endpoints = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_indexing_endpoints', $endpoints ); $endpoints['complete'] = Indexing_Route::FULL_COMPLETE_ROUTE; return $endpoints; } // ** Private functions ** // /** * Returns the finished steps array. * * @return array An array with the finished steps. */ private function get_finished_steps() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'configuration_finished_steps', [] ); } /** * Returns the entity represented by the site. * * @return string The entity represented by the site. */ private function is_company_or_person() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'company_or_person', '' ); } /** * Gets the company name from the option in the database. * * @return string The company name. */ private function get_company_name() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'company_name', '' ); } /** * Gets the fallback company name from the option in the database if there is no company name. * * @param string $company_name The given company name by the user, default empty string. * * @return string|false The company name. */ private function get_fallback_company_name( $company_name ) { if ( $company_name ) { return false; } return \get_bloginfo( 'name' ); } /** * Gets the website name from the option in the database. * * @return string The website name. */ private function get_website_name() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'website_name', '' ); } /** * Gets the fallback website name from the option in the database if there is no website name. * * @param string $website_name The given website name by the user, default empty string. * * @return string|false The website name. */ private function get_fallback_website_name( $website_name ) { if ( $website_name ) { return false; } return \get_bloginfo( 'name' ); } /** * Gets the company logo from the option in the database. * * @return string The company logo. */ private function get_company_logo() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'company_logo', '' ); } /** * Gets the company logo id from the option in the database. * * @return string The company logo id. */ private function get_company_logo_id() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'company_logo_id', '' ); } /** * Gets the company logo url from the option in the database. * * @param string $company_logo The given company logo by the user, default empty. * * @return string|false The company logo URL. */ private function get_company_fallback_logo( $company_logo ) { if ( $company_logo ) { return false; } $logo_id = $this->meta_tags_context->fallback_to_site_logo(); return \esc_url( \wp_get_attachment_url( $logo_id ) ); } /** * Gets the person id from the option in the database. * * @return int|null The person id, null if empty. */ private function get_person_id() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'company_or_person_user_id' ); } /** * Gets the person id from the option in the database. * * @return int|null The person id, null if empty. */ private function get_person_name() { $user = \get_userdata( $this->get_person_id() ); if ( $user instanceof WP_User ) { return $user->get( 'display_name' ); } return ''; } /** * Gets the person avatar from the option in the database. * * @return string The person logo. */ private function get_person_logo() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'person_logo', '' ); } /** * Gets the person logo url from the option in the database. * * @param string $person_logo The given person logo by the user, default empty. * * @return string|false The person logo URL. */ private function get_person_fallback_logo( $person_logo ) { if ( $person_logo ) { return false; } $logo_id = $this->meta_tags_context->fallback_to_site_logo(); return \esc_url( \wp_get_attachment_url( $logo_id ) ); } /** * Gets the person logo id from the option in the database. * * @return string The person logo id. */ private function get_person_logo_id() { return $this->options_helper->get( 'person_logo_id', '' ); } /** * Gets the site tagline. * * @return string The site tagline. */ private function get_site_tagline() { return \get_bloginfo( 'description' ); } /** * Gets the social profiles stored in the database. * * @return string[] The social profiles. */ private function get_social_profiles() { return $this->social_profiles_helper->get_organization_social_profiles(); } /** * Checks whether tracking is enabled. * * @return bool True if tracking is enabled, false otherwise, null if in Free and conf. workout step not finished. */ private function has_tracking_enabled() { $default = false; if ( $this->product_helper->is_premium() ) { $default = true; } return $this->options_helper->get( 'tracking', $default ); } /** * Checks whether tracking option is allowed at network level. * * @return bool True if option change is allowed, false otherwise. */ private function is_tracking_enabled_multisite() { $default = true; if ( ! \is_multisite() ) { return $default; } return $this->options_helper->get( 'allow_tracking', $default ); } /** * Checks whether we are in a main site. * * @return bool True if it's the main site or a single site, false if it's a subsite. */ private function is_main_site() { return \is_main_site(); } /** * Gets the options for the Company or Person select. * Returns only the company option if it is forced (by Local SEO), otherwise returns company and person option. * * @return array The options for the company-or-person select. */ private function get_company_or_person_options() { $options = [ [ 'label' => \__( 'Organization', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'value' => 'company', 'id' => 'company', ], [ 'label' => \__( 'Person', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'value' => 'person', 'id' => 'person', ], ]; if ( $this->should_force_company() ) { $options = [ [ 'label' => \__( 'Organization', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'value' => 'company', 'id' => 'company', ], ]; } return $options; } /** * Checks whether we should force "Organization". * * @return bool */ private function should_force_company() { return $this->addon_manager->is_installed( WPSEO_Addon_Manager::LOCAL_SLUG ); } /** * Checks if the current user has the capability to edit a specific user. * * @param int $person_id The id of the person to edit. * * @return bool */ private function can_edit_profile( $person_id ) { return \current_user_can( 'edit_user', $person_id ); } } Kids Clothing Online - Buy Kids Sweaters, Skivvy Tops, Sweatshirts, Leggings, T Shirts, Pullovers & Pants in India




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