board_Conditional $yoast_admin_and_dashboard_conditional An object that checks if we are on the Yoast admin or on the dashboard page. * @param Get_Request_Conditional $get_request_conditional An object that checks if we are handling a GET request. * @param WP_CRON_Enabled_Conditional $wp_cron_enabled_conditional An object that checks if WP_CRON is enabled. */ public function __construct( Indexable_Post_Indexation_Action $post_indexation, Indexable_Term_Indexation_Action $term_indexation, Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Indexation_Action $post_type_archive_indexation, Indexable_General_Indexation_Action $general_indexation, Indexable_Indexing_Complete_Action $complete_indexation_action, Post_Link_Indexing_Action $post_link_indexing_action, Term_Link_Indexing_Action $term_link_indexing_action, Indexing_Helper $indexing_helper, Indexable_Helper $indexable_helper, Yoast_Admin_And_Dashboard_Conditional $yoast_admin_and_dashboard_conditional, Get_Request_Conditional $get_request_conditional, WP_CRON_Enabled_Conditional $wp_cron_enabled_conditional ) { $this->post_indexation = $post_indexation; $this->term_indexation = $term_indexation; $this->post_type_archive_indexation = $post_type_archive_indexation; $this->general_indexation = $general_indexation; $this->complete_indexation_action = $complete_indexation_action; $this->post_link_indexing_action = $post_link_indexing_action; $this->term_link_indexing_action = $term_link_indexing_action; $this->indexing_helper = $indexing_helper; $this->indexable_helper = $indexable_helper; $this->yoast_admin_and_dashboard_conditional = $yoast_admin_and_dashboard_conditional; $this->get_request_conditional = $get_request_conditional; $this->wp_cron_enabled_conditional = $wp_cron_enabled_conditional; } /** * Register hooks. * * @return void */ public function register_hooks() { \add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'register_shutdown_indexing' ] ); \add_action( 'wpseo_indexable_index_batch', [ $this, 'index' ] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.CronInterval -- The sniff doesn't understand values with parentheses. \add_filter( 'cron_schedules', [ $this, 'add_cron_schedule' ] ); \add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'schedule_cron_indexing' ], 11 ); $this->add_limit_filters(); } /** * Adds the filters that change the indexing limits. * * @return void. */ public function add_limit_filters() { \add_filter( 'wpseo_post_indexation_limit', [ $this, 'throttle_cron_indexing' ] ); \add_filter( 'wpseo_post_type_archive_indexation_limit', [ $this, 'throttle_cron_indexing' ] ); \add_filter( 'wpseo_term_indexation_limit', [ $this, 'throttle_cron_indexing' ] ); \add_filter( 'wpseo_prominent_words_indexation_limit', [ $this, 'throttle_cron_indexing' ] ); \add_filter( 'wpseo_link_indexing_limit', [ $this, 'throttle_cron_link_indexing' ] ); } /** * Enqueues the required scripts. * * @return void */ public function register_shutdown_indexing() { if ( $this->should_index_on_shutdown( $this->get_shutdown_limit() ) ) { $this->register_shutdown_function( 'index' ); } } /** * Run a single indexing pass of each indexing action. Intended for use as a shutdown function. * * @return void */ public function index() { if ( \wp_doing_cron() && ! $this->should_index_on_cron() ) { $this->unschedule_cron_indexing(); return; } $this->post_indexation->index(); $this->term_indexation->index(); $this->general_indexation->index(); $this->post_type_archive_indexation->index(); $this->post_link_indexing_action->index(); $this->term_link_indexing_action->index(); if ( $this->indexing_helper->get_limited_filtered_unindexed_count_background( 1 ) === 0 ) { // We set this as complete, even though prominent words might not be complete. But that's the way we always treated that. $this->complete_indexation_action->complete(); } } /** * Adds the 'Every fifteen minutes' cron schedule to WP-Cron. * * @param array $schedules The existing schedules. * * @return array The schedules containing the fifteen_minutes schedule. */ public function add_cron_schedule( $schedules ) { if ( ! \is_array( $schedules ) ) { return $schedules; } $schedules['fifteen_minutes'] = [ 'interval' => ( 15 * \MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ), 'display' => \esc_html__( 'Every fifteen minutes', 'wordpress-seo' ), ]; return $schedules; } /** * Schedule background indexing every 15 minutes if the index isn't already up to date. * * @return void */ public function schedule_cron_indexing() { /** * Filter: 'wpseo_unindexed_count_queries_ran' - Informs whether the expensive unindexed count queries have been ran already. * * @internal * * @param bool $have_queries_ran */ $have_queries_ran = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_unindexed_count_queries_ran', false ); if ( ( ! $this->yoast_admin_and_dashboard_conditional->is_met() || ! $this->get_request_conditional->is_met() ) && ! $have_queries_ran ) { return; } if ( ! \wp_next_scheduled( 'wpseo_indexable_index_batch' ) && $this->should_index_on_cron() ) { \wp_schedule_event( ( \time() + \HOUR_IN_SECONDS ), 'fifteen_minutes', 'wpseo_indexable_index_batch' ); } } /** * Limit cron indexing to 15 indexables per batch instead of 25. * * @param int $indexation_limit The current limit (filter input). * * @return int The new batch limit. */ public function throttle_cron_indexing( $indexation_limit ) { if ( \wp_doing_cron() ) { /** * Filter: 'wpseo_cron_indexing_limit_size' - Adds the possibility to limit the number of items that are indexed when in cron action. * * @param int $limit Maximum number of indexables to be indexed per indexing action. */ return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_cron_indexing_limit_size', 15 ); } return $indexation_limit; } /** * Limit cron indexing to 3 links per batch instead of 5. * * @param int $link_indexation_limit The current limit (filter input). * * @return int The new batch limit. */ public function throttle_cron_link_indexing( $link_indexation_limit ) { if ( \wp_doing_cron() ) { /** * Filter: 'wpseo_cron_link_indexing_limit_size' - Adds the possibility to limit the number of links that are indexed when in cron action. * * @param int $limit Maximum number of link indexables to be indexed per link indexing action. */ return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_cron_link_indexing_limit_size', 3 ); } return $link_indexation_limit; } /** * Determine whether cron indexation should be performed. * * @return bool Should cron indexation be performed. */ protected function should_index_on_cron() { if ( ! $this->indexable_helper->should_index_indexables() ) { return false; } // The filter supersedes everything when preventing cron indexation. if ( \apply_filters( 'Yoast\WP\SEO\enable_cron_indexing', true ) !== true ) { return false; } return $this->indexing_helper->get_limited_filtered_unindexed_count_background( 1 ) > 0; } /** * Determine whether background indexation should be performed. * * @param int $shutdown_limit The shutdown limit used to determine whether indexation should be run. * * @return bool Should background indexation be performed. */ protected function should_index_on_shutdown( $shutdown_limit ) { if ( ! $this->yoast_admin_and_dashboard_conditional->is_met() || ! $this->get_request_conditional->is_met() ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->indexable_helper->should_index_indexables() ) { return false; } if ( $this->wp_cron_enabled_conditional->is_met() ) { return false; } $total_unindexed = $this->indexing_helper->get_limited_filtered_unindexed_count_background( $shutdown_limit ); if ( $total_unindexed === 0 || $total_unindexed > $shutdown_limit ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieves the shutdown limit. This limit is the amount of indexables that is generated in the background. * * @return int The shutdown limit. */ protected function get_shutdown_limit() { /** * Filter 'wpseo_shutdown_indexation_limit' - Allow filtering the number of objects that can be indexed during shutdown. * * @param int $limit The maximum number of objects indexed. */ return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_shutdown_indexation_limit', 25 ); } /** * Removes the cron indexing job from the scheduled event queue. * * @return void */ protected function unschedule_cron_indexing() { $scheduled = \wp_next_scheduled( 'wpseo_indexable_index_batch' ); if ( $scheduled ) { \wp_unschedule_event( $scheduled, 'wpseo_indexable_index_batch' ); } } /** * Registers a method to be executed on shutdown. * This wrapper mostly exists for making this class more unittestable. * * @param string $method_name The name of the method on the current instance to register. * * @return void */ protected function register_shutdown_function( $method_name ) { \register_shutdown_function( [ $this, $method_name ] ); } } Buy Women Clothing Online - Track Pants, Skivvy Tops, Sweaters, Woolen Leggings, T Shirts & Sweatshirts




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